Query Script

In addition, we provide an interface script firesql-query.py to accept an FireSQL statement.

usage: firesql-query.py [-h] [-c CREDENTIALS] [-f FORMAT] [-i INPUT]
                        [-q QUERY]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        credentials JSON path
  -f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
                        output format (csv|json)
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        FireSQL query input file (required)
  -q QUERY, --query QUERY
                        FireSQL query (required)

For example, finding all ACTIVE users from Users collection

python firesql-query.py -c credential.json \
  -q "SELECT docid, email, state FROM Users WHERE state IN ('ACTIVE')"

docid is a special column name that is used to project the Firestore document ID.

The default query result is rendered in “csv” output format.


Alternatively, by specifying the -f json output format, the result will be,

  {"docid": "0r6YWowe9rW65yB1qTKsCe83cCm2", "email": "btscheung+real@gmail.com", "state": "ACTIVE"},
  {"docid": "1utcUa9fdheOlrMe9GOCjrJ3wjh1", "email": "btscheung+bennycorp@gmail.com", "state": "ACTIVE"},
  {"docid": "7CUJOqe6rlOTQuatc27EQGivZfn2", "email": "btscheung+twotwo@gmail.com", "state": "ACTIVE"},

SQL Input File

For more complicated SQL, we can use -i input.sql to specify the SQL input file.

input.sql file:

SELECT u.email, u.state, b.date, b.state
    Users as u JOIN Bookings as b
    ON u.email = b.email
      u.state IN ('ACTIVE') and
      b.state IN ('CHECKED_IN', 'CHECKED_OUT') and
      b.date >= '2022-03-18T04:00:00'

By execute the input file

python firesql-query.py -c credentials.json -i input.sql

The result will be,

NOTE: the column state from Users will be automatically disambiguated by appending the alias prefix u_state.
