FireSQL Statements

FireSQL supports the following SQL-like statements.

The set of implemented SQL-like DML (Data Manipulation Language) statements are,

FireSQL Statement Description
SELECT select documents from a collection
INSERT insert new document in a collection
UPDATE modify the existing documents in a collection
DELETE delete existing documents in a collection

Please read the details in the corresponding FireSQL statement sections.

Multiple Statements

The FireSQL.execute() function can take one or more FireSQL statements. Sequence of statements must be separated by semi-colon ‘;’.

For example,

INSERT INTO Users (email, name) VALUES ('', 'Benny OneOne');
INSERT INTO Users (email, name) VALUES ('', 'Benny TwoTwo');
INSERT INTO Users (email, name) VALUES ('', 'Benny ThreeThree')
  • The last FireSQL statement’s semi-colon is optional.